I was wondering what the orthodox view is on birth control?

Requested and Answered by Shenouda on 08-Aug-2005 00:59

I was wondering what the orthodox view is on birth control?

The issue of birth control is governed by three important factors: faith, health and economy. Faith in God induces us to bless marriage and childbearing, trusting that God is able to provide means of livelihood for all. Health considerations orient this faith towards regard for the health of the mother and children. Economic considerations should induce the family to sit down first and calculate not only the expenses of food, drink and clothing, but also all the obligations involved in the process of bringing up the children.

The church cannot prohibit the means of contraceptives and command upon people to reproduce without limit while missing to provide help for those unable to bring up children, otherwise she would involve the family in poverty, illness, and ignorance and cause the state economic crises which it cannot cope with due to over-population.

In using contraceptives, attention should be paid toward the mechanism of action. Some contraceptive are abortificant e.g., the morning-after pill is NOT a contraceptive; it is an abortificant. These contraceptives, which are abortificant, must not be used.

Family planning can be done without contraceptives using some careful cycle calculations. Copts who observe correctly all the fasts of our church should not have great difficulty controlling birth.

This Q&A was found on Archangel Michael & St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church : http://www.stbishoy.org.au/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=47