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Church News : Family Night Kick Off
Posted by Billious-MicMek on 2010/6/12 23:00:00 (16189 reads) News by the same author

Sat 19th of June
4:30-6:30 - Activities for Preschool to year 6 (this will run from the 2nd week onwards)
6:30-7:30 - Vespers
7:30-8:30 - yr 7-10 Meeting/ Activities and Supervised Playtime for Primary
8:30 - Midnight Praise
Family Night Poster

Program for Saturday Nights
4:30-6:30 - Activities for Preschool to year 6
6:30-7:30 - Vespers
7:30-8:30 - yr 7-10 Meeting/ Activities and Supervised Playtime for Primary
8:30 - Midnight Praise

There will also be a bible study for parents at 7:15pm

Other articles
2010/8/14 22:50:00 - Fr. Mina 10th Year Commemoration
2010/6/12 23:00:00 - Family Night Kick Off
2009/9/11 7:10:00 - New Compulsory Marriage Course at Archangel Michael
2009/8/22 15:40:55 - Happy St Mary's Feast
2009/8/16 23:44:42 - Visits by Bishops

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