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The Great Archangel Michael
The Archangel Michael was with all the saints and martyrs. He strengthened them and enabled them to endure patiently until they finished their strife. Festivals of commemoration are held and alms offered in his name on the twelfth day of each Coptic month. An example of one of his wonders: A God-fearing man whose name was Dorotheus and his wife Theopista, held a festival of commemoration for the honored angel Michael on the twelfth day of each month. It happened that this righteous family fell on hard times and had nothing to celebrate with for the commemoration of the honored Michael. They took their clothes to sell so that they might have a feast.
His intercession be for us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen. Archangel Michael by HH Pope Shenouda III This name of his is a Hebrew name meaning "who is like God". He is in a general manner, the commander of the angels. The Holy Church asks for his intercession in every mass, in the hymns, prayers, and songs. His feast is monthly celebrated on the twelfth of every Coptic month, and the miracles which he has operated are mentionned. There are some books which were written about these miracles. Some families have the habit of making "the cakes of the angel" (feteer el malak) and they distribute them to their friends and loved ones, and they remember that a miracle (relatively to these cakes) happened to a certain family by means of the archange Mikhail. The icon of the archangel Mikhail is set up in every church, where he is dressed in a soldier's dress as "commander of the army of the Lord". He has a spear in his hand by which he pierces Satan who appears as a dragon, as it is written in the book of Revelation: "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon". Michael triumphed in that war, and he cast the devil out of heaven (Apoc. 12: 7-9). We have chosen this icon of the archangel Michael to be the image which is printed in this pamphlet of "the Angels"..... Thus a church is built up in every monastery on the topmost of the tour, as the archangel Mikhail is considered the guardian of the monastery. How many are the churches which are built in the name of the
archangel Mikhail in cities in all the continents, as a sign of his love and
intercession. In view of the greatness of the archangel Mikhail, the proselites
of the doctrinal deviation of "the witnesses of Yehovah", believe
that the Lord Christ is the archangel Mikhail!! and so also believe the doctrinally
deviated Adventists. Because of the love of people for the archangel Michael,
many people are called by his name, whether in the Hebrew or in the Coptic language
(Mikhail), or by his name in English (Michael), or in French (Michel). They
are also called by the name of "Malak" (meaning angel), or "Abdel
Malak" (meaning the servant of the angel). Many jews in the Old Testament
were called by his name (look in the dictionary of the Holy Bible). It is said of him in the book of the prophet Daniel: "Michael
...... the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people"
(Dan. 12:1). In spite of the greatness of the archangel Michael, we see his
humility, as it was mentionned in the epistle of Jude: [Yet Michael the archangel,
in contending with the devil when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared
not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said: "The Lord re buke
you!"] (Jude 9). Reference: The Angels by HH Pope Shenouda III